Previous globaLearning Courses:
JGL 500 Independent Language Learning (Fern Buszowski)
This module outlines how to learn a language and assists the student in planning and developing, monitoring and evaluating their own language action plan and acquisition. Students will begin their language learning prior to departure and are expected to continue learning while in field.
JGL 501 Oasis: Water for the Journey (Ric Gilbertson)
This course will explore how developing a Great Commandment based spirituality will help to meet the challenges of serving in cross-cultural ministry and promote well-being in the midst of the rigors of ministry. Particular emphasis will be given to practicing spiritual exercises, oasis times, that help provide God’s water for the journey.
JGL 502 Building Resiliency in Global Workers (Ron Brown)
This course will look at the context of serving God in today’s high risk nations and will equip the international worker to develop awareness and competencies for thriving in the midst of life’s traumatic conditions. (Participants will develop a manual for crisis preparedness which will include a developing theology of risk and suffering.)
JGL 503 The Mission of God in a 21st Century World (Charles Cook)
This introductory module offers insights on our world in the 21st century for intercultural ministry. It includes theories of culture and societies, religion and worldview. It explores the challenges of ministry in a rapidly changing world.
JGL 504 Post 9/11 Islam (Wally Albrecht)
Post 9/11 Islam examines how Islam has been splashed before us in the media since September 11th, 2001. This course explores the vast diversity within Islamic thought today—from secular, liberal Islam to Islamo-fascism. Students will be led to exegete the contemporary Muslim scene in their specific context with a view to adopting attitudes and approaches that will enhance their witness to their Muslim friends and neighbours.
JGL 505 Living in Hard Places (Craig Bundy)
Living in, working in, and appreciating a dominant Muslim context requires a careful reevaluation of historical interpretation, personal values and attitudes as well as a fresh look at current events. Islam is a cultural/spiritual system that affects all aspects of life and worldview. This course will focus on these issues from the context of North Africa.
JGL 506-1 Short Term Missions: Training the Trainer (English) (Richard Reichert)
JGL 506-2 Short Term Missions: Training the Trainer (Spanish)
The challenges of doing short term mission well in international contexts calls for intentional training. This introductory module will explore the ten keys to solid short term mission engagement. From essential theological underpinning to critical listening and learning modes, from managing expectations and conflict in cross cultural settings, through exposure to the reality of national church structures and relationships, the unit prepares short term leaders for the hazards of international mission.
JGL 507 Cultural Competencies (Ron Brown)
This introductory module will start you on your way with cultural intelligence as you engage with a culturally different group of people. Cultural anthropology includes theories of culture and societies, religion and worldview, kinship and family structure, communication theory and the dynamics of change. This course will provide tools for today’s missioner to exegete his or her new culture and to better be prepared to develop trust for the cross-cultural communication of the gospel.
JGL 508 Theology of Mission (Ben Elliott)
What is missions? Why do it? Why still do it? Theology of Missions is a course that makes space to talk about just these kinds of questions, thinking through how we conceive of the Church’s mission and ourselves as a part of it, and providing an introduction to the important conversations with which mission workers and thinkers are currently involved. Theology of missions is not a practical ‘how to’ kind of course, but a chance to reflectively explore why missions is important and how we as the Church ought to carry it out.
JGL 509 Trends and Issues in Missions (Charles Cook)
This course is designed to interact on current theological, anthropological, historical and methodological themes that have a bearing on contemporary missions. We will explore the diversity of understanding of the church’s worldwide mission as expounded in various traditions.
JGL 510 Alliance Distinctives for Missions (Ben Elliott)
Alliance Distinctives for Mission is a special course that works to build connections between the history and doctrine of the Christian and Missionary Alliance and the practical needs of its missionaries and pastors. Building on a foundation of Alliance theology expressed in plain language, this course will help the student understand what it means to be a part of the Church’s mission to the world–at home and internationally–and at the same time a part of the historical and worldwide family of the Alliance.
JGL 512 Cultural Fluency: Understanding our Sikh Neighbours (Pat Bhatti)
This seminar is designed to help build bridges towards understanding our Sikh neighbours. The seminar will discuss how the teachings of Sikhism differ from Hinduism. The participants will have the opportunity to visit a Gurdwara (a place where Sikhs worship) for a time of interaction. After completing the seminar, participants will be able to pray and witness more effectively to their Sikh neighbours.
JGL 513 – Developing a Church-based Ministry with New Canadians in Your Neighbourhood (Rick and Patricia Love)
How can your church develop intercultural ministry pathways to Jesus for immigrants in your neighbourhood? In this seminar, participants will learn to build a plan moving from settlement programming to spiritual conversations.
Sessions Include: “Developing an intercultural ministries pathway”; “Leading an ESL conversational class”; “Leading an ESL Bible study for those interested in Jesus”; and “Equipping church volunteers for ministry with immigrants”.
JGL 514 – Diasporas, Migrants, and New Canadians: Ministering to the People Next Door (Sadiri Joy Tira)
Canada is a nation of immigrants. In recent years, migration has accelerated. Consequently, Canadian cities have become “the Arrival Cities” and rural communities have been transformed into “Global Villages.” Our congregations are now neighbours to, not only Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses, but also to Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and even European neopagans. This seminar is designed to help participants better understand the “People Next Door” and more effectively reach out to friends and neighbours — ushering them to become “Family” members and fellow pilgrims to the City of God.
JGL 515 – Understanding our Muslim Neighbours (A Practitioner Couple)
This seminar will address fears people may have in approaching Muslims and building relationships with them. It will aid the participants in understanding our Muslim neighbours and finding ways to build bridges with them. There will also be time spent looking at the big picture and reminding ourselves of how God is at work among Muslims.